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Can I withdraw as a Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Person during the coverage period?

After becoming a voluntarily and continuously insured person, you cannot withdraw from the program except in the following cases:
(1) The coverage period of two years has passed.
(2) You began work and are now covered under another health insurance plan (not including National Health Insurance).
(3) The insured person has died.
(4) Health insurance premiums are not paid by the due date.

If you forfeit your eligibility as a voluntarily and continuously insured person during the coverage period because you start another job and join another health insurance plan, return your IBM Japan Health Insurance Association health insurance card to the Association with a photocopy of your health insurance card from your new insurer attached. Return your health insurance card promptly if you forfeit your eligibility for other reasons as well.
If you use your health insurance card to receive care at a medical care institution after forfeiting your eligibility as an insured person, you will be billed for the medical care costs (i.e., the portion paid by health insurance).