Health insurance cards

You will be issued "a health insurance card" as proof of insurance when you join the Health Insurance Society.
Use of current health insurance cards will be abolished on December 2, 2024. Start using a Myna health insurance card.

  • Do not forget to present your Myna health insurance card at the reception counter when visiting a hospital to receive medical care.
  • Promptly notify the Health Insurance Association if you lose your health insurance card or there is any change in the information indicated on the card.

Using your Myna health insurance card when seeing a doctor gives you access to the required medical care by paying only the amount of your copayment.


Use of current health insurance cards will be abolished on December 2, 2024 and they will no longer be newly issued or reissued thereafter.
(Health insurance cards already issued will remain valid for up to one year after this date as a provisional measure.)
Use a Myna health insurance card to get examinations and treatment at medical care institutions and other facilities.

  • * Myna (My Number) health insurance card: This is an Individual Number Card (also called "My Number Card") registered for use as a health insurance card. (You must be issued an Individual Number Card and complete registration for use on Mynaportal or elsewhere.)
  • * Plans call for those who do not have or do not use Myna health insurance cards to be able to get examinations and treatment at medical care institutions using eligibility verification certificates issued by health insurance societies.
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Handling of health insurance cards

Altering/Defacing the health insurance card itself to change any of the information shown there (other than the address space) or transferring or loaning the card to another person is prohibited.

Promptly notify the Health Insurance Association if you lose your health insurance card or there is any change in the information shown on the card.

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Checking health insurance card information associated with your Myna health insurance card

Log in to Mynaportal. Click on "Health Insurance Certificate" under "Certificate" to review your registered health insurance card information.

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If your Individual Number Card is lost or stolen

If your Individual Number Card is lost or stolen, call the Individual Number comprehensive toll-free number to take the procedures to terminate the functionality of your Individual Number Card.
Also file a lost/stolen property report with the police and note down the reception number. Then, complete the procedures at the municipal office of your area to have your Individual Number Card reissued.

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Individual Number Card expiration dates

Note the expiration date of your Individual Number Card and that of the electronic certificate uploaded on the Individual Number Card (used when using your Individual Number Card as a health insurance card).
Your Individual Number Card will expire on the tenth birthday after the date the card was issued. The electronic certificate will expire on the fifth birthday after the date of issue.

  • * An expiration notice will be sent to the person in question two or three months before the expiration date. Renewal is free of charge.

Eligibility verification certificate, notice of eligibility information

Even if your eligibility cannot be verified using a Myna health insurance card, you can still get medical care covered by health insurance using either of the following forms:

Eligibility verification certificate

Those who do not have an Individual Number Card or who have not registered their Individual Number Card for use as a health insurance card can use this form to get medical care at medical care institutions and other facilities.

Notice of eligibility information

This form, which makes it easy to check member codes/numbers and other information, is sent to all members in principle.
Note that you cannot get medical care covered by health insurance using just a notice of eligibility information. You can get medical care covered by health insurance by presenting this form together with your Myna health insurance card, in cases such as when visiting a medical care institution that is not required to adopt the online eligibility verification system.

Indicating whether you intend to be an organ donor

As a result of amendment of the Law on Organ Transplantation, a space for indicating whether you wish to be an organ donor has been added to the reverse side of the health insurance card. See the website of the Japan Organ Transplant Network for more information on organ donation.

Elderly benefits cards

Since the percentage of medical care costs paid by elderly persons aged 70-74 to medical care institutions varies with income, these persons are issued "elderly benefits cards" showing their copayment percentages. When receiving medical care at a medical care institution, show your "elderly benefits card" together with your health insurance card.

Note that an elderly benefits card is not required when using a Myna health insurance card. Use your Myna health insurance card alone.

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Online verification of eligibility

Online verification of eligibility has been introduced, making it possible to verify eligibility information online using the IC chip on the Individual Number Card. You can use your Individual Number Card as a health insurance card at medical care institutions and other facilities that have adopted the online eligibility verification system. (Requires advance registration on Mynaportal etc.)
See here for more information.

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The online eligibility verification system brings some changes to health insurance cards

With the introduction of the online eligibility verification system, a two-digit branch number has been added to the code and number on each health insurance card to allow individual identification.
All newly issued health insurance cards indicate a branch number in addition to the code and number. Note that health insurance cards without branch numbers will still be accepted.
The branch number that appears on an elderly benefits card is the branch number for the insured person (00). Thus, the health insurance card and the elderly benefits card for a dependent will have different branch numbers. If you are asked by a medical care institution to verify your branch number, tell the institution that the branch number shown on the health insurance card is your own branch number.

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